CategoricalProbabilityMassFunctionImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Categorical Probability Mass Function'.
CategoryImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Category'.
DerivedManifestationImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Derived Manifestation'.
DiscreteProbabilityDistributionManifestationImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Discrete Probability Distribution Manifestation'.
ManifestationFactoryImpl |
An implementation of the model Factory.
ManifestationImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Manifestation'.
ManifestationPackageImpl |
An implementation of the model Package.
ProbabilisticManifestationImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Probabilistic Manifestation'.
SingleValueImpl |
Implements the SingleValue specific deserialization capabilities for the
characteristics extension.
SingleValueImplGen |
An implementation of the model object 'Single Value'.
StaticManifestationImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Static Manifestation'.