All Classes and Interfaces

A representation of the model object 'Abstract'.
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Abstract object.
AbstractResolverWithCache<C,B extends org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.IBinding>
A representation of the model object 'Access Providing Module Directive'.
An implementation of the model object 'Access Providing Module Directive'.
This is the item provider adapter for a AccessProvidingModuleDirective object.
A representation of the model object 'Addition'.
A representation of the model object 'Additional Field'.
An implementation of the model object 'Additional Field'.
This is the item provider adapter for a AdditionalField object.
A representation of the model object 'Additional Local Variable'.
An implementation of the model object 'Additional Local Variable'.
This is the item provider adapter for a AdditionalLocalVariable object.
An implementation of the model object 'Addition'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Addition object.
A representation of the model object 'Additive Expression'.
A representation of the model object 'Additive Expression Child'.
An implementation of the model object 'Additive Expression Child'.
This is the item provider adapter for a AdditiveExpressionChild object.
An implementation of the model object 'Additive Expression'.
This is the item provider adapter for a AdditiveExpression object.
A representation of the model object 'Additive Operator'.
An implementation of the model object 'Additive Operator'.
This is the item provider adapter for a AdditiveOperator object.
A representation of the model object 'And Expression'.
A representation of the model object 'And Expression Child'.
An implementation of the model object 'And Expression Child'.
This is the item provider adapter for a AndExpressionChild object.
An implementation of the model object 'And Expression'.
This is the item provider adapter for a AndExpression object.
A representation of the model object 'Annotable'.
A representation of the model object 'Annotable And Modifiable'.
An implementation of the model object 'Annotable And Modifiable'.
This is the item provider adapter for a AnnotableAndModifiable object.
An implementation of the model object 'Annotable'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Annotable object.
A representation of the model object 'Annotation'.
A representation of the model object 'Annotation Attribute Setting'.
An implementation of the model object 'Annotation Attribute Setting'.
This is the item provider adapter for a AnnotationAttributeSetting object.
An implementation of the model object 'Annotation'.
A representation of the model object 'Annotation Instance'.
An implementation of the model object 'Annotation Instance'.
This is the item provider adapter for a AnnotationInstance object.
A representation of the model object 'Annotation Instance Or Modifier'.
An implementation of the model object 'Annotation Instance Or Modifier'.
This is the item provider adapter for a AnnotationInstanceOrModifier object.
This is the item provider adapter for a Annotation object.
A representation of the model object 'Annotation Parameter'.
An implementation of the model object 'Annotation Parameter'.
This is the item provider adapter for a AnnotationParameter object.
A representation of the model object 'Annotation Parameter List'.
An implementation of the model object 'Annotation Parameter List'.
This is the item provider adapter for a AnnotationParameterList object.
This is the action bar contributor for the Annotations model editor.
The Adapter Factory for the model.
This is an example of a Annotations model editor.
The Factory for the model.
An implementation of the model Factory.
This is the factory that is used to provide the interfaces needed to support Viewers.
This is a simple wizard for creating a new model file.
The Package for the model.
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent each class, each feature of each class, each enum, and each data type
An implementation of the model Package.
The Switch for the model's inheritance hierarchy.
A representation of the model object 'Annotation Value'.
An implementation of the model object 'Annotation Value'.
This is the item provider adapter for a AnnotationValue object.
A representation of the model object 'Anonymous Class'.
An implementation of the model object 'Anonymous Class'.
This is the item provider adapter for a AnonymousClass object.
A representation of the model object 'Argumentable'.
An implementation of the model object 'Argumentable'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Argumentable object.
A representation of the model object 'Array Constructor Reference Expression'.
An implementation of the model object 'Array Constructor Reference Expression'.
This is the item provider adapter for a ArrayConstructorReferenceExpression object.
A representation of the model object 'Array Dimension'.
An implementation of the model object 'Array Dimension'.
This is the item provider adapter for a ArrayDimension object.
A representation of the model object 'Array Initialization Value'.
An implementation of the model object 'Array Initialization Value'.
This is the item provider adapter for a ArrayInitializationValue object.
A representation of the model object 'Array Initializer'.
An implementation of the model object 'Array Initializer'.
This is the item provider adapter for a ArrayInitializer object.
A representation of the model object 'Array Instantiation'.
A representation of the model object 'Array Instantiation By Size'.
An implementation of the model object 'Array Instantiation By Size'.
This is the item provider adapter for a ArrayInstantiationBySize object.
A representation of the model object 'Array Instantiation By Values'.
An implementation of the model object 'Array Instantiation By Values'.
This is the item provider adapter for a ArrayInstantiationByValues object.
A representation of the model object 'Array Instantiation By Values Typed'.
An implementation of the model object 'Array Instantiation By Values Typed'.
This is the item provider adapter for a ArrayInstantiationByValuesTyped object.
A representation of the model object 'Array Instantiation By Values Untyped'.
An implementation of the model object 'Array Instantiation By Values Untyped'.
This is the item provider adapter for a ArrayInstantiationByValuesUntyped object.
An implementation of the model object 'Array Instantiation'.
This is the item provider adapter for a ArrayInstantiation object.
This is the action bar contributor for the Arrays model editor.
The Adapter Factory for the model.
This is an example of a Arrays model editor.
A representation of the model object 'Array Selector'.
An implementation of the model object 'Array Selector'.
This is the item provider adapter for a ArraySelector object.
The Factory for the model.
An implementation of the model Factory.
This is the factory that is used to provide the interfaces needed to support Viewers.
This is a simple wizard for creating a new model file.
The Package for the model.
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent each class, each feature of each class, each enum, and each data type
An implementation of the model Package.
The Switch for the model's inheritance hierarchy.
A representation of the model object 'Array Typeable'.
An implementation of the model object 'Array Typeable'.
This is the item provider adapter for a ArrayTypeable object.
A representation of the model object 'Assert'.
An implementation of the model object 'Assert'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Assert object.
A representation of the model object 'Assignment'.
A representation of the model object 'Assignment And'.
An implementation of the model object 'Assignment And'.
This is the item provider adapter for a AssignmentAnd object.
A representation of the model object 'Assignment Division'.
An implementation of the model object 'Assignment Division'.
This is the item provider adapter for a AssignmentDivision object.
A representation of the model object 'Assignment Exclusive Or'.
An implementation of the model object 'Assignment Exclusive Or'.
This is the item provider adapter for a AssignmentExclusiveOr object.
A representation of the model object 'Assignment Expression'.
A representation of the model object 'Assignment Expression Child'.
An implementation of the model object 'Assignment Expression Child'.
This is the item provider adapter for a AssignmentExpressionChild object.
An implementation of the model object 'Assignment Expression'.
This is the item provider adapter for a AssignmentExpression object.
An implementation of the model object 'Assignment'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Assignment object.
A representation of the model object 'Assignment Left Shift'.
An implementation of the model object 'Assignment Left Shift'.
This is the item provider adapter for a AssignmentLeftShift object.
A representation of the model object 'Assignment Minus'.
An implementation of the model object 'Assignment Minus'.
This is the item provider adapter for a AssignmentMinus object.
A representation of the model object 'Assignment Modulo'.
An implementation of the model object 'Assignment Modulo'.
This is the item provider adapter for a AssignmentModulo object.
A representation of the model object 'Assignment Multiplication'.
An implementation of the model object 'Assignment Multiplication'.
This is the item provider adapter for a AssignmentMultiplication object.
A representation of the model object 'Assignment Operator'.
An implementation of the model object 'Assignment Operator'.
This is the item provider adapter for a AssignmentOperator object.
A representation of the model object 'Assignment Or'.
An implementation of the model object 'Assignment Or'.
This is the item provider adapter for a AssignmentOr object.
A representation of the model object 'Assignment Plus'.
An implementation of the model object 'Assignment Plus'.
This is the item provider adapter for a AssignmentPlus object.
A representation of the model object 'Assignment Right Shift'.
An implementation of the model object 'Assignment Right Shift'.
This is the item provider adapter for a AssignmentRightShift object.
A representation of the model object 'Assignment Unsigned Right Shift'.
An implementation of the model object 'Assignment Unsigned Right Shift'.
This is the item provider adapter for a AssignmentUnsignedRightShift object.
A representation of the model object 'Attribute Layout Information'.
An implementation of the model object 'Attribute Layout Information'.
This is the item provider adapter for a AttributeLayoutInformation object.
A representation of the model object 'Binary Integer Literal'.
An implementation of the model object 'Binary Integer Literal'.
This is the item provider adapter for a BinaryIntegerLiteral object.
A representation of the model object 'Binary Long Literal'.
An implementation of the model object 'Binary Long Literal'.
This is the item provider adapter for a BinaryLongLiteral object.
A representation of the model object 'Block'.
A representation of the model object 'Block Container'.
An implementation of the model object 'Block Container'.
This is the item provider adapter for a BlockContainer object.
An implementation of the model object 'Block'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Block object.
A representation of the model object 'Boolean'.
An implementation of the model object 'Boolean'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Boolean object.
A representation of the model object 'Boolean Literal'.
An implementation of the model object 'Boolean Literal'.
This is the item provider adapter for a BooleanLiteral object.
A representation of the model object 'Break'.
An implementation of the model object 'Break'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Break object.
A representation of the model object 'Byte'.
An implementation of the model object 'Byte'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Byte object.
A representation of the model object 'Call Type Argumentable'.
An implementation of the model object 'Call Type Argumentable'.
This is the item provider adapter for a CallTypeArgumentable object.
A representation of the model object 'Cast Expression'.
An implementation of the model object 'Cast Expression'.
This is the item provider adapter for a CastExpression object.
A representation of the model object 'Catch Block'.
An implementation of the model object 'Catch Block'.
This is the item provider adapter for a CatchBlock object.
A representation of the model object 'Catch Parameter'.
An implementation of the model object 'Catch Parameter'.
This is the item provider adapter for a CatchParameter object.
A representation of the model object 'Char'.
A representation of the model object 'Character Literal'.
An implementation of the model object 'Character Literal'.
This is the item provider adapter for a CharacterLiteral object.
An implementation of the model object 'Char'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Char object.
A representation of the model object 'Class'.
A representation of the model object 'Classifier'.
An implementation of the model object 'Classifier'.
A representation of the model object 'Classifier Import'.
An implementation of the model object 'Classifier Import'.
This is the item provider adapter for a ClassifierImport object.
This is the item provider adapter for a Classifier object.
A representation of the model object 'Classifier Reference'.
An implementation of the model object 'Classifier Reference'.
This is the item provider adapter for a ClassifierReference object.
This is the action bar contributor for the Classifiers model editor.
The Adapter Factory for the model.
This is an example of a Classifiers model editor.
The Factory for the model.
An implementation of the model Factory.
This is the factory that is used to provide the interfaces needed to support Viewers.
This is a simple wizard for creating a new model file.
The Package for the model.
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent each class, each feature of each class, each enum, and each data type
An implementation of the model Package.
The Switch for the model's inheritance hierarchy.
An implementation of the model object 'Class'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Class object.
A representation of the model object 'Class Method'.
An implementation of the model object 'Class Method'.
This is the item provider adapter for a ClassMethod object.
A representation of the model object 'Class Type Constructor Reference Expression'.
An implementation of the model object 'Class Type Constructor Reference Expression'.
This is the item provider adapter for a ClassTypeConstructorReferenceExpression object.
A representation of the model object 'Commentable'.
An implementation of the model object 'Commentable'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Commentable object.
The Adapter Factory for the model.
The Factory for the model.
An implementation of the model Factory.
This is the factory that is used to provide the interfaces needed to support Viewers.
The Package for the model.
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent each class, each feature of each class, each enum, and each data type
An implementation of the model Package.
The Switch for the model's inheritance hierarchy.
A representation of the model object 'Compilation Unit'.
An implementation of the model object 'Compilation Unit'.
This is the item provider adapter for a CompilationUnit object.
A representation of the model object 'Complement'.
An implementation of the model object 'Complement'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Complement object.
A representation of the model object 'Concrete Classifier'.
An implementation of the model object 'Concrete Classifier'.
This is the item provider adapter for a ConcreteClassifier object.
A representation of the model object 'Condition'.
A representation of the model object 'Conditional'.
A representation of the model object 'Conditional And Expression'.
A representation of the model object 'Conditional And Expression Child'.
An implementation of the model object 'Conditional And Expression Child'.
This is the item provider adapter for a ConditionalAndExpressionChild object.
An implementation of the model object 'Conditional And Expression'.
This is the item provider adapter for a ConditionalAndExpression object.
A representation of the model object 'Conditional Expression'.
A representation of the model object 'Conditional Expression Child'.
An implementation of the model object 'Conditional Expression Child'.
This is the item provider adapter for a ConditionalExpressionChild object.
An implementation of the model object 'Conditional Expression'.
This is the item provider adapter for a ConditionalExpression object.
An implementation of the model object 'Conditional'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Conditional object.
A representation of the model object 'Conditional Or Expression'.
A representation of the model object 'Conditional Or Expression Child'.
An implementation of the model object 'Conditional Or Expression Child'.
This is the item provider adapter for a ConditionalOrExpressionChild object.
An implementation of the model object 'Conditional Or Expression'.
This is the item provider adapter for a ConditionalOrExpression object.
An implementation of the model object 'Condition'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Condition object.
A representation of the model object 'Constructor'.
Extension providing utility methods for the the Constructor meta model class.
An implementation of the model object 'Constructor'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Constructor object.
This is the action bar contributor for the Containers model editor.
The Adapter Factory for the model.
This is an example of a Containers model editor.
The Factory for the model.
An implementation of the model Factory.
This is the factory that is used to provide the interfaces needed to support Viewers.
This is a simple wizard for creating a new model file.
The Package for the model.
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent each class, each feature of each class, each enum, and each data type
An implementation of the model Package.
The Switch for the model's inheritance hierarchy.
A representation of the model object 'Continue'.
An implementation of the model object 'Continue'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Continue object.
Converts an instance of F to an instance of T.
A representation of the model object 'Decimal Double Literal'.
An implementation of the model object 'Decimal Double Literal'.
This is the item provider adapter for a DecimalDoubleLiteral object.
A representation of the model object 'Decimal Float Literal'.
An implementation of the model object 'Decimal Float Literal'.
This is the item provider adapter for a DecimalFloatLiteral object.
A representation of the model object 'Decimal Integer Literal'.
An implementation of the model object 'Decimal Integer Literal'.
This is the item provider adapter for a DecimalIntegerLiteral object.
A representation of the model object 'Decimal Long Literal'.
An implementation of the model object 'Decimal Long Literal'.
This is the item provider adapter for a DecimalLongLiteral object.
A representation of the model object 'Default'.
An implementation of the model object 'Default'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Default object.
A representation of the model object 'Default Switch Case'.
An implementation of the model object 'Default Switch Case'.
This is the item provider adapter for a DefaultSwitchCase object.
A representation of the model object 'Default Switch Rule'.
An implementation of the model object 'Default Switch Rule'.
This is the item provider adapter for a DefaultSwitchRule object.
A representation of the model object 'Division'.
An implementation of the model object 'Division'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Division object.
A representation of the model object 'Double'.
An implementation of the model object 'Double'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Double object.
A representation of the model object 'Double Literal'.
An implementation of the model object 'Double Literal'.
This is the item provider adapter for a DoubleLiteral object.
A representation of the model object 'Do While Loop'.
An implementation of the model object 'Do While Loop'.
This is the item provider adapter for a DoWhileLoop object.
A representation of the model object 'Element Reference'.
An implementation of the model object 'Element Reference'.
This is the item provider adapter for a ElementReference object.
A representation of the model object 'Empty Member'.
An implementation of the model object 'Empty Member'.
This is the item provider adapter for a EmptyMember object.
A representation of the model object 'Empty Model'.
An implementation of the model object 'Empty Model'.
This is the item provider adapter for a EmptyModel object.
A representation of the model object 'Empty Statement'.
An implementation of the model object 'Empty Statement'.
This is the item provider adapter for a EmptyStatement object.
A representation of the model object 'Enum Constant'.
An implementation of the model object 'Enum Constant'.
This is the item provider adapter for a EnumConstant object.
A representation of the model object 'Enumeration'.
An implementation of the model object 'Enumeration'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Enumeration object.
A representation of the model object 'Equal'.
An implementation of the model object 'Equal'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Equal object.
A representation of the model object 'Equality Expression'.
A representation of the model object 'Equality Expression Child'.
An implementation of the model object 'Equality Expression Child'.
This is the item provider adapter for a EqualityExpressionChild object.
An implementation of the model object 'Equality Expression'.
This is the item provider adapter for a EqualityExpression object.
A representation of the model object 'Equality Operator'.
An implementation of the model object 'Equality Operator'.
This is the item provider adapter for a EqualityOperator object.
A representation of the model object 'Exception Thrower'.
An implementation of the model object 'Exception Thrower'.
This is the item provider adapter for a ExceptionThrower object.
A representation of the model object 'Exclusive Or Expression'.
A representation of the model object 'Exclusive Or Expression Child'.
An implementation of the model object 'Exclusive Or Expression Child'.
This is the item provider adapter for a ExclusiveOrExpressionChild object.
An implementation of the model object 'Exclusive Or Expression'.
This is the item provider adapter for a ExclusiveOrExpression object.
A representation of the model object 'Explicit Constructor Call'.
An implementation of the model object 'Explicit Constructor Call'.
This is the item provider adapter for a ExplicitConstructorCall object.
A representation of the model object 'Explicitly Typed Lambda Parameters'.
An implementation of the model object 'Explicitly Typed Lambda Parameters'.
This is the item provider adapter for a ExplicitlyTypedLambdaParameters object.
A representation of the model object 'Exports Module Directive'.
An implementation of the model object 'Exports Module Directive'.
This is the item provider adapter for a ExportsModuleDirective object.
A representation of the model object 'Expression'.
An implementation of the model object 'Expression'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Expression object.
A representation of the model object 'Expression List'.
An implementation of the model object 'Expression List'.
This is the item provider adapter for a ExpressionList object.
This is the action bar contributor for the Expressions model editor.
The Adapter Factory for the model.
This is an example of a Expressions model editor.
The Factory for the model.
An implementation of the model Factory.
This is the factory that is used to provide the interfaces needed to support Viewers.
This is a simple wizard for creating a new model file.
The Package for the model.
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent each class, each feature of each class, each enum, and each data type
An implementation of the model Package.
The Switch for the model's inheritance hierarchy.
A representation of the model object 'Expression Statement'.
An implementation of the model object 'Expression Statement'.
This is the item provider adapter for a ExpressionStatement object.
A representation of the model object 'Extends Type Argument'.
An implementation of the model object 'Extends Type Argument'.
This is the item provider adapter for a ExtendsTypeArgument object.
A representation of the model object 'Field'.
An implementation of the model object 'Field'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Field object.
A representation of the model object 'Final'.
An implementation of the model object 'Final'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Final object.
A representation of the model object 'Float'.
An implementation of the model object 'Float'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Float object.
A representation of the model object 'Float Literal'.
An implementation of the model object 'Float Literal'.
This is the item provider adapter for a FloatLiteral object.
A representation of the model object 'For Each Loop'.
An implementation of the model object 'For Each Loop'.
This is the item provider adapter for a ForEachLoop object.
A representation of the model object 'For Loop'.
An implementation of the model object 'For Loop'.
A representation of the model object 'For Loop Initializer'.
An implementation of the model object 'For Loop Initializer'.
This is the item provider adapter for a ForLoopInitializer object.
This is the item provider adapter for a ForLoop object.
This is the action bar contributor for the Generics model editor.
The Adapter Factory for the model.
This is an example of a Generics model editor.
The Factory for the model.
An implementation of the model Factory.
This is the factory that is used to provide the interfaces needed to support Viewers.
This is a simple wizard for creating a new model file.
The Package for the model.
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent each class, each feature of each class, each enum, and each data type
An implementation of the model Package.
The Switch for the model's inheritance hierarchy.
A representation of the model object 'Greater Than'.
An implementation of the model object 'Greater Than'.
This is the item provider adapter for a GreaterThan object.
A representation of the model object 'Greater Than Or Equal'.
An implementation of the model object 'Greater Than Or Equal'.
This is the item provider adapter for a GreaterThanOrEqual object.
A representation of the model object 'Hex Double Literal'.
An implementation of the model object 'Hex Double Literal'.
This is the item provider adapter for a HexDoubleLiteral object.
A representation of the model object 'Hex Float Literal'.
An implementation of the model object 'Hex Float Literal'.
This is the item provider adapter for a HexFloatLiteral object.
A representation of the model object 'Hex Integer Literal'.
An implementation of the model object 'Hex Integer Literal'.
This is the item provider adapter for a HexIntegerLiteral object.
A representation of the model object 'Hex Long Literal'.
An implementation of the model object 'Hex Long Literal'.
This is the item provider adapter for a HexLongLiteral object.
A representation of the model object 'Identifier Reference'.
An implementation of the model object 'Identifier Reference'.
This is the item provider adapter for a IdentifierReference object.
A representation of the model object 'Implementor'.
An implementation of the model object 'Implementor'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Implementor object.
A representation of the model object 'Implicitly Typed Lambda Parameters'.
An implementation of the model object 'Implicitly Typed Lambda Parameters'.
This is the item provider adapter for a ImplicitlyTypedLambdaParameters object.
A representation of the model object 'Import'.
An implementation of the model object 'Import'.
A representation of the model object 'Importing Element'.
An implementation of the model object 'Importing Element'.
This is the item provider adapter for a ImportingElement object.
This is the item provider adapter for a Import object.
This is the action bar contributor for the Imports model editor.
The Adapter Factory for the model.
This is an example of a Imports model editor.
The Factory for the model.
An implementation of the model Factory.
This is the factory that is used to provide the interfaces needed to support Viewers.
This is a simple wizard for creating a new model file.
The Package for the model.
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent each class, each feature of each class, each enum, and each data type
An implementation of the model Package.
The Switch for the model's inheritance hierarchy.
A representation of the model object 'Inclusive Or Expression'.
A representation of the model object 'Inclusive Or Expression Child'.
An implementation of the model object 'Inclusive Or Expression Child'.
This is the item provider adapter for a InclusiveOrExpressionChild object.
An implementation of the model object 'Inclusive Or Expression'.
This is the item provider adapter for a InclusiveOrExpression object.
A representation of the model object 'Inferable Type'.
An implementation of the model object 'Inferable Type'.
This is the item provider adapter for a InferableType object.
A representation of the model object 'Initializable'.
An implementation of the model object 'Initializable'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Initializable object.
A representation of the model object 'Instance Of Expression'.
A representation of the model object 'Instance Of Expression Child'.
An implementation of the model object 'Instance Of Expression Child'.
This is the item provider adapter for a InstanceOfExpressionChild object.
An implementation of the model object 'Instance Of Expression'.
This is the item provider adapter for a InstanceOfExpression object.
A representation of the model object 'Instantiation'.
An implementation of the model object 'Instantiation'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Instantiation object.
This is the action bar contributor for the Instantiations model editor.
The Adapter Factory for the model.
This is an example of a Instantiations model editor.
The Factory for the model.
An implementation of the model Factory.
This is the factory that is used to provide the interfaces needed to support Viewers.
This is a simple wizard for creating a new model file.
The Package for the model.
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent each class, each feature of each class, each enum, and each data type
An implementation of the model Package.
The Switch for the model's inheritance hierarchy.
A representation of the model object 'Int'.
A representation of the model object 'Integer Literal'.
An implementation of the model object 'Integer Literal'.
This is the item provider adapter for a IntegerLiteral object.
A representation of the model object 'Interface'.
An implementation of the model object 'Interface'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Interface object.
A representation of the model object 'Interface Method'.
An implementation of the model object 'Interface Method'.
This is the item provider adapter for a InterfaceMethod object.
An implementation of the model object 'Int'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Int object.
This interface provides an API for parsers that read Java source files and convert them to Java model instances.
This public class provides methods to print JaMoPP model instances.
Class for the stand alone usage of JaMoPP Palladio How to use: - Input any URI (absolute or relative file path/ Directory/ Archive) via INPUT - If you want to output any xmi library files define ENABLE_OUTPUT_OF_LIBRARY_FILES as true - The xmi output will be generated and saved in ./standalone_output including its package hierarchy If you have Problems opening the .xmi file with the Ecore Model Editor make sure you installed the Standalone version as an Ecplise Plugin
This class is responsible for managing and retrieving Java resources to establish inter-model references between different Java classes represented as EMF-models.
This is the central singleton for the Java editor plugin.
The actual implementation of the Eclipse Plugin.
This is the central singleton for the Java edit plugin.
The actual implementation of the Eclipse Plugin.
A representation of the model object 'Java Root'.
An implementation of the model object 'Java Root'.
This is the item provider adapter for a JavaRoot object.
The Adapter Factory for the model.
This class can be used to find all Java classifiers that are available in a given JDT Java project.
The Factory for the model.
An implementation of the model Factory.
A representation of the model object 'JDT Field'.
An implementation of the model object 'JDT Field'.
A representation of the model object 'JDT Java Classifier'.
An implementation of the model object 'JDT Java Classifier'.
The Package for the model.
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent each class, each feature of each class, each enum, and each data type
An implementation of the model Package.
The Switch for the model's inheritance hierarchy.
A representation of the model object 'Jump'.
An implementation of the model object 'Jump'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Jump object.
A representation of the model object 'Jump Label'.
An implementation of the model object 'Jump Label'.
This is the item provider adapter for a JumpLabel object.
A representation of the model object 'Keyword Layout Information'.
An implementation of the model object 'Keyword Layout Information'.
This is the item provider adapter for a KeywordLayoutInformation object.
A representation of the model object 'Lambda Body'.
An implementation of the model object 'Lambda Body'.
This is the item provider adapter for a LambdaBody object.
A representation of the model object 'Lambda Expression'.
An implementation of the model object 'Lambda Expression'.
This is the item provider adapter for a LambdaExpression object.
A representation of the model object 'Lambda Parameters'.
An implementation of the model object 'Lambda Parameters'.
This is the item provider adapter for a LambdaParameters object.
The Adapter Factory for the model.
This is the central singleton for the Layout edit plugin.
The actual implementation of the Eclipse Plugin.
The Factory for the model.
An implementation of the model Factory.
A representation of the model object 'Information'.
An implementation of the model object 'Information'.
This is the item provider adapter for a LayoutInformation object.
This is the factory that is used to provide the interfaces needed to support Viewers.
The Package for the model.
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent each class, each feature of each class, each enum, and each data type
An implementation of the model Package.
The Switch for the model's inheritance hierarchy.
A representation of the model object 'Left Shift'.
An implementation of the model object 'Left Shift'.
This is the item provider adapter for a LeftShift object.
A representation of the model object 'Less Than'.
An implementation of the model object 'Less Than'.
This is the item provider adapter for a LessThan object.
A representation of the model object 'Less Than Or Equal'.
An implementation of the model object 'Less Than Or Equal'.
This is the item provider adapter for a LessThanOrEqual object.
A representation of the model object 'Literal'.
An implementation of the model object 'Literal'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Literal object.
This is the action bar contributor for the Literals model editor.
The Adapter Factory for the model.
This is an example of a Literals model editor.
The Factory for the model.
An implementation of the model Factory.
This is the factory that is used to provide the interfaces needed to support Viewers.
This is a simple wizard for creating a new model file.
The Package for the model.
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent each class, each feature of each class, each enum, and each data type
An implementation of the model Package.
The Switch for the model's inheritance hierarchy.
A representation of the model object 'Local Variable'.
An implementation of the model object 'Local Variable'.
This is the item provider adapter for a LocalVariable object.
A representation of the model object 'Local Variable Statement'.
An implementation of the model object 'Local Variable Statement'.
This is the item provider adapter for a LocalVariableStatement object.
A representation of the model object 'Long'.
An implementation of the model object 'Long'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Long object.
A representation of the model object 'Long Literal'.
An implementation of the model object 'Long Literal'.
This is the item provider adapter for a LongLiteral object.
Maps a class to a printer.
A representation of the model object 'Member'.
A representation of the model object 'Member Container'.
A utility class that provides methods that belong to class MemberContainer, but can not go there, because MemberContainer is generated.
An implementation of the model object 'Member Container'.
This is the item provider adapter for a MemberContainer object.
An implementation of the model object 'Member'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Member object.
This is the action bar contributor for the Members model editor.
The Adapter Factory for the model.
This is an example of a Members model editor.
The Factory for the model.
An implementation of the model Factory.
This is the factory that is used to provide the interfaces needed to support Viewers.
This is a simple wizard for creating a new model file.
The Package for the model.
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent each class, each feature of each class, each enum, and each data type
An implementation of the model Package.
The Switch for the model's inheritance hierarchy.
A representation of the model object 'Method'.
A representation of the model object 'Method Call'.
An implementation of the model object 'Method Call'.
This is the item provider adapter for a MethodCall object.
An implementation of the model object 'Method'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Method object.
A representation of the model object 'Method Reference Expression'.
A representation of the model object 'Method Reference Expression Child'.
An implementation of the model object 'Method Reference Expression Child'.
This is the item provider adapter for a MethodReferenceExpressionChild object.
An implementation of the model object 'Method Reference Expression'.
This is the item provider adapter for a MethodReferenceExpression object.
A representation of the model object 'Minimal Layout Information'.
An implementation of the model object 'Minimal Layout Information'.
This is the item provider adapter for a MinimalLayoutInformation object.
A representation of the model object 'Minus Minus'.
An implementation of the model object 'Minus Minus'.
This is the item provider adapter for a MinusMinus object.
A representation of the model object 'Modifiable'.
An implementation of the model object 'Modifiable'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Modifiable object.
A representation of the model object 'Modifier'.
An implementation of the model object 'Modifier'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Modifier object.
This is the action bar contributor for the Modifiers model editor.
The Adapter Factory for the model.
This is an example of a Modifiers model editor.
The Factory for the model.
An implementation of the model Factory.
This is the factory that is used to provide the interfaces needed to support Viewers.
This is a simple wizard for creating a new model file.
The Package for the model.
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent each class, each feature of each class, each enum, and each data type
An implementation of the model Package.
The Switch for the model's inheritance hierarchy.
A representation of the model object 'Module'.
A representation of the model object 'Module Directive'.
An implementation of the model object 'Module Directive'.
This is the item provider adapter for a ModuleDirective object.
An implementation of the model object 'Module'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Module object.
A representation of the model object 'Module Reference'.
An implementation of the model object 'Module Reference'.
This is the item provider adapter for a ModuleReference object.
A representation of the model object 'Module Requires Modifier'.
An implementation of the model object 'Module Requires Modifier'.
This is the item provider adapter for a ModuleRequiresModifier object.
This is the action bar contributor for the Modules model editor.
The Adapter Factory for the model.
This is an example of a Modules model editor.
The Factory for the model.
An implementation of the model Factory.
This is the factory that is used to provide the interfaces needed to support Viewers.
This is a simple wizard for creating a new model file.
The Package for the model.
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent each class, each feature of each class, each enum, and each data type
An implementation of the model Package.
The Switch for the model's inheritance hierarchy.
A representation of the model object 'Multiplication'.
An implementation of the model object 'Multiplication'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Multiplication object.
A representation of the model object 'Multiplicative Expression'.
A representation of the model object 'Multiplicative Expression Child'.
An implementation of the model object 'Multiplicative Expression Child'.
This is the item provider adapter for a MultiplicativeExpressionChild object.
An implementation of the model object 'Multiplicative Expression'.
This is the item provider adapter for a MultiplicativeExpression object.
A representation of the model object 'Multiplicative Operator'.
An implementation of the model object 'Multiplicative Operator'.
This is the item provider adapter for a MultiplicativeOperator object.
A representation of the model object 'Named Element'.
An implementation of the model object 'Named Element'.
This is the item provider adapter for a NamedElement object.
A representation of the model object 'Namespace Aware Element'.
An implementation of the model object 'Namespace Aware Element'.
This is the item provider adapter for a NamespaceAwareElement object.
A representation of the model object 'Namespace Classifier Reference'.
An implementation of the model object 'Namespace Classifier Reference'.
This is the item provider adapter for a NamespaceClassifierReference object.
A representation of the model object 'Native'.
An implementation of the model object 'Native'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Native object.
A representation of the model object 'Negate'.
An implementation of the model object 'Negate'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Negate object.
A representation of the model object 'Nested Expression'.
An implementation of the model object 'Nested Expression'.
This is the item provider adapter for a NestedExpression object.
A representation of the model object 'New Constructor Call'.
An implementation of the model object 'New Constructor Call'.
This is the item provider adapter for a NewConstructorCall object.
A representation of the model object 'New Constructor Call With Inferred Type Arguments'.
An implementation of the model object 'New Constructor Call With Inferred Type Arguments'.
This is the item provider adapter for a NewConstructorCallWithInferredTypeArguments object.
A representation of the model object 'Normal Switch Case'.
An implementation of the model object 'Normal Switch Case'.
This is the item provider adapter for a NormalSwitchCase object.
A representation of the model object 'Normal Switch Rule'.
An implementation of the model object 'Normal Switch Rule'.
This is the item provider adapter for a NormalSwitchRule object.
A representation of the model object 'Not Equal'.
An implementation of the model object 'Not Equal'.
This is the item provider adapter for a NotEqual object.
A representation of the model object 'Null Literal'.
An implementation of the model object 'Null Literal'.
This is the item provider adapter for a NullLiteral object.
A representation of the model object 'Octal Integer Literal'.
An implementation of the model object 'Octal Integer Literal'.
This is the item provider adapter for a OctalIntegerLiteral object.
A representation of the model object 'Octal Long Literal'.
An implementation of the model object 'Octal Long Literal'.
This is the item provider adapter for a OctalLongLiteral object.
A representation of the model object 'Open'.
An implementation of the model object 'Open'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Open object.
A representation of the model object 'Opens Module Directive'.
An implementation of the model object 'Opens Module Directive'.
This is the item provider adapter for a OpensModuleDirective object.
A representation of the model object 'Operator'.
An implementation of the model object 'Operator'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Operator object.
This is the action bar contributor for the Operators model editor.
The Adapter Factory for the model.
This is an example of a Operators model editor.
The Factory for the model.
An implementation of the model Factory.
This is the factory that is used to provide the interfaces needed to support Viewers.
This is a simple wizard for creating a new model file.
The Package for the model.
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent each class, each feature of each class, each enum, and each data type
An implementation of the model Package.
The Switch for the model's inheritance hierarchy.
A representation of the model object 'Ordinary Parameter'.
An implementation of the model object 'Ordinary Parameter'.
This is the item provider adapter for a OrdinaryParameter object.
A representation of the model object 'Package'.
An implementation of the model object 'Package'.
A representation of the model object 'Package Import'.
An implementation of the model object 'Package Import'.
This is the item provider adapter for a PackageImport object.
This is the item provider adapter for a Package object.
A representation of the model object 'Parameter'.
An implementation of the model object 'Parameter'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Parameter object.
This is the action bar contributor for the Parameters model editor.
The Adapter Factory for the model.
This is an example of a Parameters model editor.
The Factory for the model.
An implementation of the model Factory.
This is the factory that is used to provide the interfaces needed to support Viewers.
This is a simple wizard for creating a new model file.
The Package for the model.
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent each class, each feature of each class, each enum, and each data type
An implementation of the model Package.
The Switch for the model's inheritance hierarchy.
A representation of the model object 'Parametrizable'.
An implementation of the model object 'Parametrizable'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Parametrizable object.
A representation of the model object 'Plus Plus'.
An implementation of the model object 'Plus Plus'.
This is the item provider adapter for a PlusPlus object.
A representation of the model object 'Prefix Unary Modification Expression'.
An implementation of the model object 'Prefix Unary Modification Expression'.
This is the item provider adapter for a PrefixUnaryModificationExpression object.
A representation of the model object 'Primary Expression'.
An implementation of the model object 'Primary Expression'.
This is the item provider adapter for a PrimaryExpression object.
A representation of the model object 'Primary Expression Reference Expression'.
An implementation of the model object 'Primary Expression Reference Expression'.
This is the item provider adapter for a PrimaryExpressionReferenceExpression object.
A representation of the model object 'Primitive Type'.
An implementation of the model object 'Primitive Type'.
This is the item provider adapter for a PrimitiveType object.
A representation of the model object 'Primitive Type Reference'.
An implementation of the model object 'Primitive Type Reference'.
This is the item provider adapter for a PrimitiveTypeReference object.
A representation of the model object 'Private'.
An implementation of the model object 'Private'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Private object.
A representation of the model object 'Protected'.
An implementation of the model object 'Protected'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Protected object.
A representation of the model object 'Provides Module Directive'.
An implementation of the model object 'Provides Module Directive'.
This is the item provider adapter for a ProvidesModuleDirective object.
A representation of the model object 'Public'.
An implementation of the model object 'Public'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Public object.
A representation of the model object 'Qualified Type Argument'.
An implementation of the model object 'Qualified Type Argument'.
This is the item provider adapter for a QualifiedTypeArgument object.
A representation of the model object 'Receiver Parameter'.
An implementation of the model object 'Receiver Parameter'.
This is the item provider adapter for a ReceiverParameter object.
A representation of the model object 'Reference'.
A representation of the model object 'Referenceable Element'.
An implementation of the model object 'Referenceable Element'.
This is the item provider adapter for a ReferenceableElement object.
An implementation of the model object 'Reference'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Reference object.
A representation of the model object 'Reference Layout Information'.
An implementation of the model object 'Reference Layout Information'.
This is the item provider adapter for a ReferenceLayoutInformation object.
This is the action bar contributor for the References model editor.
The Adapter Factory for the model.
This is an example of a References model editor.
The Factory for the model.
An implementation of the model Factory.
This is the factory that is used to provide the interfaces needed to support Viewers.
This is a simple wizard for creating a new model file.
The Package for the model.
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent each class, each feature of each class, each enum, and each data type
An implementation of the model Package.
The Switch for the model's inheritance hierarchy.
A representation of the model object 'Reflective Class Reference'.
An implementation of the model object 'Reflective Class Reference'.
This is the item provider adapter for a ReflectiveClassReference object.
A representation of the model object 'Relation Expression'.
A representation of the model object 'Relation Expression Child'.
An implementation of the model object 'Relation Expression Child'.
This is the item provider adapter for a RelationExpressionChild object.
An implementation of the model object 'Relation Expression'.
This is the item provider adapter for a RelationExpression object.
A representation of the model object 'Relation Operator'.
An implementation of the model object 'Relation Operator'.
This is the item provider adapter for a RelationOperator object.
A representation of the model object 'Remainder'.
An implementation of the model object 'Remainder'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Remainder object.
A representation of the model object 'Requires Module Directive'.
An implementation of the model object 'Requires Module Directive'.
This is the item provider adapter for a RequiresModuleDirective object.
ResolverWithCache<C,B extends org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.IBinding>
ResolverWithName<C,B extends org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.IBinding>
A representation of the model object 'Resource'.
A representation of the model object 'Return'.
An implementation of the model object 'Return'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Return object.
A representation of the model object 'Right Shift'.
An implementation of the model object 'Right Shift'.
This is the item provider adapter for a RightShift object.
A representation of the model object 'Self'.
An implementation of the model object 'Self'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Self object.
A representation of the model object 'Self Reference'.
An implementation of the model object 'Self Reference'.
This is the item provider adapter for a SelfReference object.
A representation of the model object 'Shift Expression'.
A representation of the model object 'Shift Expression Child'.
An implementation of the model object 'Shift Expression Child'.
This is the item provider adapter for a ShiftExpressionChild object.
An implementation of the model object 'Shift Expression'.
This is the item provider adapter for a ShiftExpression object.
A representation of the model object 'Shift Operator'.
An implementation of the model object 'Shift Operator'.
This is the item provider adapter for a ShiftOperator object.
A representation of the model object 'Short'.
An implementation of the model object 'Short'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Short object.
A representation of the model object 'Single Annotation Parameter'.
An implementation of the model object 'Single Annotation Parameter'.
This is the item provider adapter for a SingleAnnotationParameter object.
A representation of the model object 'Single Implicit Lambda Parameter'.
An implementation of the model object 'Single Implicit Lambda Parameter'.
This is the item provider adapter for a SingleImplicitLambdaParameter object.
A representation of the model object 'Statement'.
A representation of the model object 'Statement Container'.
An implementation of the model object 'Statement Container'.
This is the item provider adapter for a StatementContainer object.
An implementation of the model object 'Statement'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Statement object.
A representation of the model object 'Statement List Container'.
An implementation of the model object 'Statement List Container'.
This is the item provider adapter for a StatementListContainer object.
This is the action bar contributor for the Statements model editor.
The Adapter Factory for the model.
This is an example of a Statements model editor.
The Factory for the model.
An implementation of the model Factory.
This is the factory that is used to provide the interfaces needed to support Viewers.
This is a simple wizard for creating a new model file.
The Package for the model.
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent each class, each feature of each class, each enum, and each data type
An implementation of the model Package.
The Switch for the model's inheritance hierarchy.
A representation of the model object 'Static'.
A representation of the model object 'Static Classifier Import'.
An implementation of the model object 'Static Classifier Import'.
This is the item provider adapter for a StaticClassifierImport object.
An implementation of the model object 'Static'.
A representation of the model object 'Static Import'.
An implementation of the model object 'Static Import'.
This is the item provider adapter for a StaticImport object.
This is the item provider adapter for a Static object.
A representation of the model object 'Static Member Import'.
An implementation of the model object 'Static Member Import'.
This is the item provider adapter for a StaticMemberImport object.
A representation of the model object 'Strictfp'.
An implementation of the model object 'Strictfp'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Strictfp object.
A representation of the model object 'String Reference'.
An implementation of the model object 'String Reference'.
This is the item provider adapter for a StringReference object.
A representation of the model object 'Subtraction'.
An implementation of the model object 'Subtraction'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Subtraction object.
A representation of the model object 'Suffix Unary Modification Expression'.
An implementation of the model object 'Suffix Unary Modification Expression'.
This is the item provider adapter for a SuffixUnaryModificationExpression object.
A representation of the model object 'Super'.
An implementation of the model object 'Super'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Super object.
A representation of the model object 'Super Type Argument'.
An implementation of the model object 'Super Type Argument'.
This is the item provider adapter for a SuperTypeArgument object.
A representation of the model object 'Switch'.
A representation of the model object 'Switch Case'.
An implementation of the model object 'Switch Case'.
This is the item provider adapter for a SwitchCase object.
An implementation of the model object 'Switch'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Switch object.
A representation of the model object 'Switch Rule'.
An implementation of the model object 'Switch Rule'.
This is the item provider adapter for a SwitchRule object.
A representation of the model object 'Synchronized'.
A representation of the model object 'Synchronized Block'.
An implementation of the model object 'Synchronized Block'.
This is the item provider adapter for a SynchronizedBlock object.
An implementation of the model object 'Synchronized'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Synchronized object.
A temporal create classifier that combines all type restrictions of one type parameter.
This adapter is used during reference resolving to cache the full qualified name of a ConcreteClassifier that is determined based on the classpath during reference resolving.
This adapter is used to attach type arguments to a type when it is passed through several getBoundType() calls recursively.
A representation of the model object 'Text Block Reference'.
An implementation of the model object 'Text Block Reference'.
This is the item provider adapter for a TextBlockReference object.
A representation of the model object 'This'.
An implementation of the model object 'This'.
This is the item provider adapter for a This object.
A representation of the model object 'Throw'.
An implementation of the model object 'Throw'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Throw object.
A representation of the model object 'Transient'.
An implementation of the model object 'Transient'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Transient object.
A representation of the model object 'Transitive'.
An implementation of the model object 'Transitive'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Transitive object.
A representation of the model object 'Try Block'.
An implementation of the model object 'Try Block'.
This is the item provider adapter for a TryBlock object.
A representation of the model object 'Type'.
A representation of the model object 'Type Argument'.
A representation of the model object 'Type Argumentable'.
An implementation of the model object 'Type Argumentable'.
This is the item provider adapter for a TypeArgumentable object.
An implementation of the model object 'Type Argument'.
This is the item provider adapter for a TypeArgument object.
A representation of the model object 'Typed Element'.
An implementation of the model object 'Typed Element'.
This is the item provider adapter for a TypedElement object.
An implementation of the model object 'Type'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Type object.
A representation of the model object 'Type Parameter'.
An implementation of the model object 'Type Parameter'.
This is the item provider adapter for a TypeParameter object.
A representation of the model object 'Type Parametrizable'.
An implementation of the model object 'Type Parametrizable'.
This is the item provider adapter for a TypeParametrizable object.
A representation of the model object 'Type Reference'.
An implementation of the model object 'Type Reference'.
This is the item provider adapter for a TypeReference object.
This is the action bar contributor for the Types model editor.
The Adapter Factory for the model.
This is an example of a Types model editor.
The Factory for the model.
An implementation of the model Factory.
This is the factory that is used to provide the interfaces needed to support Viewers.
This is a simple wizard for creating a new model file.
The Package for the model.
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent each class, each feature of each class, each enum, and each data type
An implementation of the model Package.
The Switch for the model's inheritance hierarchy.
A representation of the model object 'Unary Expression'.
A representation of the model object 'Unary Expression Child'.
An implementation of the model object 'Unary Expression Child'.
This is the item provider adapter for a UnaryExpressionChild object.
An implementation of the model object 'Unary Expression'.
This is the item provider adapter for a UnaryExpression object.
A representation of the model object 'Unary Modification Expression'.
A representation of the model object 'Unary Modification Expression Child'.
An implementation of the model object 'Unary Modification Expression Child'.
This is the item provider adapter for a UnaryModificationExpressionChild object.
An implementation of the model object 'Unary Modification Expression'.
This is the item provider adapter for a UnaryModificationExpression object.
A representation of the model object 'Unary Modification Operator'.
An implementation of the model object 'Unary Modification Operator'.
This is the item provider adapter for a UnaryModificationOperator object.
A representation of the model object 'Unary Operator'.
An implementation of the model object 'Unary Operator'.
This is the item provider adapter for a UnaryOperator object.
A representation of the model object 'Unknown Type Argument'.
An implementation of the model object 'Unknown Type Argument'.
This is the item provider adapter for a UnknownTypeArgument object.
A representation of the model object 'Unsigned Right Shift'.
An implementation of the model object 'Unsigned Right Shift'.
This is the item provider adapter for a UnsignedRightShift object.
A representation of the model object 'Uses Module Directive'.
An implementation of the model object 'Uses Module Directive'.
This is the item provider adapter for a UsesModuleDirective object.
Facade for whole package.
A representation of the model object 'Variable'.
An implementation of the model object 'Variable'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Variable object.
A representation of the model object 'Variable Length Parameter'.
An implementation of the model object 'Variable Length Parameter'.
This is the item provider adapter for a VariableLengthParameter object.
This is the action bar contributor for the Variables model editor.
The Adapter Factory for the model.
This is an example of a Variables model editor.
The Factory for the model.
An implementation of the model Factory.
This is the factory that is used to provide the interfaces needed to support Viewers.
This is a simple wizard for creating a new model file.
The Package for the model.
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent each class, each feature of each class, each enum, and each data type
An implementation of the model Package.
The Switch for the model's inheritance hierarchy.
A representation of the model object 'Void'.
An implementation of the model object 'Void'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Void object.
A representation of the model object 'Volatile'.
An implementation of the model object 'Volatile'.
This is the item provider adapter for a Volatile object.
A representation of the model object 'While Loop'.
An implementation of the model object 'While Loop'.
This is the item provider adapter for a WhileLoop object.
A representation of the model object 'Yield Statement'.
An implementation of the model object 'Yield Statement'.
This is the item provider adapter for a YieldStatement object.